Active Motion Chiropractic of Bend, Oregon combines specific treatments for every stage of your health and wellness journey.


Car Accidents

Car accidents change your life in a moment. In just one terrifying and stressful moment everything becomes completely different afterwards. How do we know what to do next?

We can help.

Gentle Craniosacral for stress and headaches, muscle work for strains/strains + whiplash, and trauma energetic release therapies are all key components to recovery Dr Quint specializes in.

Proper care can prevent these injuries from developing into chronic pain and long term problems. 

The sooner treatment is initiated the sooner healing begins, and the sooner you can get back to your normal activities. 

Learn more about symptoms, steps to take, and how Dr. Quint's chiropractic injury treatments can help relieve your pain.

Read more about car accident recovery>

Craniosacral therapy

Dr. Quint is professionally trained and certified in Craniosacral therapy.

We all lose our balance at one time or another. We all feel when there is a shift in ourselves that impacts our daily quality of life. Sometimes those changes impact more deeply and do not resolve on their own over time. Acute injuries and traumas, habitual lifestyle stress, and poor subconscious programming can be many causes of dysfunction in the cranial cerebrospinal rhythm and outlet in our biological systems with symptoms physical pain and emotional strain. This can transpire to symptoms of headaches and migraines, anxiety, poor sleep and insomnia, lack of proper stress management, foggy brain, bed wetting and nightmares in children, depression and ongoing fatigue.

Dr. Quint’s focus is to balance the craniosacral system with a gentle hands on approach and energetic support mechanisms. Shifting our consciousness to a more aware state can improve drastically all areas of life, restore function and reduce pain and stress.

Read more about sports injury recovery processes>

Work Related Stress

Pain everyday? Comes back again and again? Work-related repetitive motions and computer posture can cause headaches, back pain, fatigue, neck pain, shoulder problems, weakness, tingling and numbness in arms, and even inability to live life as we want to.

Stress builds and builds, tissues get tighter, muscles get weaker, and range of motion goes away. Through muscle and tissue release massage work and rehab strengthening Dr. Quint pinpoints specific sites causing the problems and releases the muscles to move freely and chronic pain relief.

Read more about work-related stress relief>